Pineywoods Service Association will utilize various outdoors activities to improve the quality of life for deserving veterans. 

Immediately upon their return, our nation’s combat veterans are a changed people. In one way or another, they are not the same person they once were when they left the shores of this great nation in her defense. Some return to us missing limbs. Some return in wheelchairs. Some return to us with visible scars. Others return to us with invisible scars that, much like their physical scars, will never fully heal. We as a society might not fully comprehend what these warriors, both male and female, have survived. For those that can’t directly relate, one can never adequately explain what their eyes have seen and what their bodies have endured. They went. They fought. They returned. And now, without a doubt, it’s our turn to fight for them. 

PWSA has been established to serve two purposes. The first purpose is fairly obvious to most, but it needs to be driven home. PWSA gives our veterans an outlet to just sit…and relax…and heal. Imagine a life of selfless service where you journeyed to a foreign land, feared for your life on a daily basis, saw those to the left and right of you fall in the shape of the ultimate sacrifice, and then returned home an obviously different person. Always scanning your sector. Always check your six. Always watching the doors, reacting to fireworks or dealing with the occasional stares from folks. After serving your country honorably, you want to stop moving so quickly, enjoy your life, and just relax according to your own speed and your own style. PWSA can help you with that endeavor. There is also a onetime grant that can be applied for on our application for those in need of handicap porches and things of that nature. 

Our second purpose extends to those that have been searching feverishly for ways to give back and support these heroes. You love America, you love her values, and you love her veterans, but you just need an outlet from which to provide some sort of support. PWSA can provide that outlet through several different avenues of approach. Whether that is through sponsoring a grant for a deserving veteran in need, providing or sponsoring an event or donating through our PayPal account, we can help you with your desire to give back to these deserving heroes. There are numerous different ways to give back. In the end, PWSA cannot and will not succeed without the generosity and embracement of folks like you. The veterans of PWSA are only half of the approved solution. YOU are the other half. Come join us. Change a life. PWSA is a 501c3 non-profit that does not have any paid employees. It’s all strictly volunteers of those who believe in the cause and want to honor and give back to our soldiers. 100 percent of everything that comes into PWSA goes back to our deserving veterans.